GWOPA Steering Committee Elections
Photo by @Jack Krier

The GWOPA Steering Committee

GWOPA was established as an Alliance of organizations in 2009, dedicated to promoting and supporting peer-to-peer solidarity exchanges between water and sanitation operators. The objective is to support them in fulfilling their mandates as frontline providers of fundamental services that enable progress in virtually all aspects of development goals.

From public utilities that supply water and sewerage services to millions of customers in capital cities, to small units in local governments of small towns and community-based operators in rural areas or slums, water and sanitation operators are diverse, and their needs vary.

The Steering Committee (SC) is one of the governing bodies of the Alliance with the following objectives:

To represent the diversity of stakeholders and geographical contexts;
To create a steering body which could provide strategic orientations; recommendations to the Secretariat by conveying the needs and views of the different constituencies;
To embody the nature of GWOPA as an Alliance.

The GWOPA Steering Committee is an elected body that provides strategic guidance to the GWOPA Secretariat. It helps define direction, review progress and work plans, and provide critical feedback on implementation to ensure GWOPA continues to reflect the views of its member stakeholder groups.

Steering Committee members act as focal points and advocates for GWOPA within their respective regions and communities of practice. They are elected by the members of their constituency for a four-year mandate. Elections are staggered to ensure some continuity in the work of the Steering Committee. Only the institutional members of GWOPA are eligible. Applications are made by organizations, not individuals. The representatives of the applicant organizations must be endorsed by their organizations.

GWOPA’s current Steering Committee is comprised of a fixed number of representatives from the following stakeholder categories: public water operators or associations representing different regions, development partners, civil society organizations, labour unions and private operators, international multi-stakeholders organizations or networks, Development Cooperation agencies, Development Finance Institutions, national and sub-national governments, research and learning institutions, regulators, asset holding companies. Current donors to GWOPA also have a seat on the SC.

The composition of the Steering Committee, which is chaired by the UN-Habitat Executive Director, reflects the geographical and institutional diversity of the Alliance as established in GWOPA’s charter.

Elections for seats at the Steering Committee are now open. List of pre-election Steering Committee Members. List of current Steering Committee Members. Read more about the role and functions of the Steering Committee and the Rules of Procedure of the GWOPA Steering Committee in the GWOPA Charter here (Pages 11-13 and Annex 3, pages 27-30).

Elections of New Steering Committee Members

Candidacies were open until 15 September for the following constituencies:

Seats per Constituency To Elect in 2024
Public water and sanitation utilities - Africa1
Public water and sanitation utilities – Latin America2
Public water and sanitation utilities - the Caribbean1
Public water and sanitation utilities - Western Europe2
Public water and sanitation utilities- North America1
Public water and sanitation utilities – Eastern Europe1
Public water and sanitation utilities – Asia2
Public water and sanitation utilities - Pacific1
Public water and sanitation utilities - Arab States1
Private water and sanitation utilities and associations2
Civil Society Organizations1
Worker and Trade Unions1
Other NGOs, UN Orgs, International Stakeholders2

Voting: Voting was conducted electronically from 18 September at 11:59 PM CEST to 29 September at 11:59 PM CEST. Only institutional members from constituencies with open seats participated in the voting.

For constituencies where GWOPA received the same number of candidacies as available seats, those seats were considered filled without elections.

No Candidature Received for the Following Constituencies:

  • Public water and sanitation utilities - North America
  • Public water and sanitation utilities - Pacific
  • Private water and sanitation utilities
  • Civil Society Organizations
  • Trade Unions

According to the GWOPA Charter, the current Steering Committee members are invited to extend their mandates until the next elections.

Steering Committee Results

We are pleased to announce the provisional results of the 2024 GWOPA Steering Committee elections held in three constituencies. These results will be formally endorsed at the GWOPA Assembly on 2 November 2024, and the newly elected members will serve a four-year term.

Public Water and Sanitation Utilities – Africa

  • Nyeri Water and Sanitation Company Limited (Kenya), Representative: Ms. Esther Ngugi

Published Election Results

Public Water and Sanitation Utilities – Western Europe

  • Società Metropolitana Acque Torino S.p.A. (Italy), Representative: Mr. Armando Quazzo
  • World Waternet (Netherlands), Representative: Mr. Frodo Van Ostveen

Published Election Results

Others (NGOs, UN, International Stakeholders, Development Agencies)

  • ICLEI (Germany), Representative: Mr. Anton Earle
  • Water Integrity Network (Germany), Representative: Ms. Rebecca Sands

Published Election Results

We congratulate the newly elected Steering Committee Members and thank everyone who participated in the elections.

Seats Filled Without Elections

The following seats have been filled without elections, as they received the same number of candidacies as the available seats:

Public Water and Sanitation Utilities – Latin America

  • Unidad Municipal Aguas de Siguatepeque (Honduras), Representative: Mr. Fernando Luis Villalvir Martinez

Public Water and Sanitation Utilities – Caribbean

  • Dominica Water and Sewerage Company (Commonwealth of Dominica), Representative: Mr. Magnus Williams

Public Water and Sanitation Utilities – Eastern Europe

  • Budapest Waterworks (Hungary), Representative: Mr. Géza Csörnyei

Public Water and Sanitation Utilities – Asia

  • Indah Water Konsortium (Malaysia), Representative: Mr. Azuan Ahmad Zahdi
  • Tirta Mayang Jambi City (Indonesia), Representative: Mr. Dwike Riantara

Public Water and Sanitation Utilities – Arab States

  • Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (WSSA) (Bethlehem, State of Palestine), Representative: Mr. Akram Nassar
Received Applications

Candidacies were received from the following constituencies:

Public Water and Sanitation Utilities – Africa

  • Luapula Water Supply & Sanitation Company (Zambia), Representative: Mr. Golden Manyanga
  • Rand Water (South Africa), Representative: Mr. Asief Alli
  • National Water and Sewerage Corporation (Uganda), Representative: Dr. Rose Christine Kaggwa
  • Ghana Water Limited (Ghana), Representative: Mr. Michael Botse-Baidoo
  • Nyeri Water and Sanitation Company Limited (Kenya), Representative: Ms. Esther Ngugi
  • Nakuru Water and Sanitation Services Company Limited (Kenya), Representative: Ms. Emmaculate Mutuku

Public Water and Sanitation Utilities – Latin America

  • Unidad Municipal Aguas de Siguatepeque (Honduras), Representative: Mr. Fernando Luis Villalvir Martinez

Public Water and Sanitation Utilities – Caribbean

  • Dominica Water and Sewerage Company (Commonwealth of Dominica), Representative: Mr. Magnus Williams

Public Water and Sanitation Utilities – Western Europe

  • Società Metropolitana Acque Torino S.p.A. (Italy), Representative: Mr. Armando Quazzo
  • World Waternet (Netherlands), Representative: Mr. Frodo Van Ostveen

Others (NGOs, UN, International Multi-stakeholders, Development Cooperation Agencies, Development Finance Institutions, National and Sub-National Governments, Research and Academics, Regulators, Asset Holding Companies)

  • MEYAH-Arab International Water Foundation (Egypt), Representative: Ms. Dahlia Sabri
  • ICLEI (Germany), Representative: Mr. Anton Earle
  • Water Integrity Network (Germany), Representative: Ms. Rebecca Sands
  • WaterAid UK (United Kingdom), Representative: Mr. Rob Fuller
  • International Water Association (United Kingdom), Representative: Prof. Kalanithy Vairavamoorthy

We congratulate the newly elected Steering Committee Members and thank everyone who participated in the elections.

Elections Timeline
Candidatures closed on 15 September 2024
Candidates were vetted and cleared by the GWOPA Election Committee on 16 September 2024.
Voting Period: from 18 September 2024 to 29 September 2024
Notification of Eligibility: Candidates were informed of the validation of their candidature on 17 September 2024. Only GWOPA institutional members could vote.
Announcement of Results: Election results were announced and published on the GWOPA website and social media on 1 October 2024.
Formal endorsement and validation of the results at the GWOPA Assembly on 2 November 2024.